How to Relocate Your Pets Safely and Stress-Free

How to Relocate Your Pets Safely and Stress-Free

Moving brings with it the stress of packing, unpacking, and everything else that comes with shifting to a new home. While you may be able to handle the pressure, your four-legged companions may find it distressing. As you pack up your stuff and theirs in preparation for your move, your pet will begin to notice changes. When there is an unexpected activity in their house or when they are introduced to a new setting, they might quickly become anxious. However, the good news is that you can make your pets’ relocation much more painless. How would you like to put it? Well, it’s simple; all you have to do is follow these simple suggestions from top removalists Melbourne companies.

Familiarise Them To The New Environment

Make sure your pet will feel at ease in your new neighbourhood and home before settling in. Consider aspects such as available space, noise, and stairwells, as well as how your pet will survive in that environment. When it comes to square footage requirements, various animals have different requirements. Make sure there’s enough vertical space for cats to build — shelves, such as kitty blocks on top of furniture, can easily provide a lot of vertical space. Older dogs, puppies, and dogs that are having trouble housebreaking will need to go outside regularly, which can be difficult in an apartment complex with numerous steps or a home without a yard.

Visit The Vet

Before moving, pet owners should first contact their veterinarian. Your veterinarian may be able to recommend particular dos and don’ts based on your pet’s previous health records. Notify your veterinarian if you’re moving out of the region so you may take your records and any prescription drugs with you. Check with them to see if they can recommend another veterinarian in your new neighbourhood.

Clean The New Home

There’s no way of knowing what happened behind your new house’s closed doors. What if you had a weekly rave party with five dogs, two cats, and a ferret? Give the new house a thorough cleaning before introducing your pet to it. Clean up any lingering odours from prior pets, including baseboards, ceilings, and nooks and crannies. This will assist your pet in establishing the new location as her new home.


Pack An Overnight Bag

An overnighter kit could come in handy during the relocation. This pack can hold your pet’s necessities, such as food, medications, toys, grooming tools, and so on. It would assist you to get through the transfer because the contents of the package can meet all of their immediate demands. When you arrive and need to unpack, an overnight kit comes in handy with dogs. It makes it easier to relax and unpack while your pets are with you.

Keep Pets Away From The Commotion

Another piece of advice by experts from movers Sydney is to keep pets away from the chaos. While preparing to move, you will need to pack all of your belongings, clear the kitchen or garage, label the boxes, empty each room, and perform numerous other tasks. It’s better to keep your pets away from all of this excitement since they may become anxious and exhibit erratic behaviour. Keep your dogs in a quiet room with the door shut on moving day. If at all feasible, leave children with a trusted friend or neighbour on days when you have a lot of errands to go. When they’re away from home, make sure they keep up with their normal schedule. 

Keep Them Close During Travel

Use your own vehicle to transport your pet to the new home. Small dogs and cats can be transported in the back seat in a container secured with a seatbelt. A larger dog can be transported in the back of the car in a kennel; if possible, you may need to fold the seats down. Some animals feel more at ease if they cover their carrier with a blanket throughout the car ride so they can’t see the changing landscape outside. There have been cases where pets have been let out at a halt and have easily become separated from their owners. Wait until you arrive at your ultimate location before opening their carrier.

Settling In

It’s tempting to let your pet loose in the room to investigate. On the other part, a different and novel atmosphere can be confusing for your pets. Allow them to settle into a single room with their favourite toys, treats water and food bowls, and a litter box for cats. When they appear to be at ease, gently introduce them to other areas of the house, keeping certain doors closed. By gradually shifting your cat’s litter box from the “home base” room to a more permanent location, you can save time and effort. 

Create A Safe Space

Set up a safe, peaceful spot for your pet to unwind as soon as you move in. A kennel, bed, or cardboard box could be used. Here is where you should put her favourite toys and goodies. Show your pet this location so that she can retreat to it when she feels overwhelmed or insecure.

Invite Friends Over

Invite your friends and family members over to view your pet once she seems more at peace in her new home—those who your pet enjoys, of course. A pleasant face will reassure your pet and encourage her to take pleasure in the move’s thrill.

Each of these steps is easy to execute but critical to making sure your pet moves to her new home stress and care-free. The key is to go slow and steady with the transition. Add a couple of snacks to the mix as well. It is important that they get enough attention from you on arriving. You may try playing with them, or you could offer them a new blanket or toy. Specialists amongst Movers Brisbane believe that keeping them occupied with your company is one of the best things you can do to make a move easier for them.