The importance of the birth certificate as an indispensable document is rarely acknowledged unless one needs it urgently for fulfilling official obligations. Several processes need a birth certificate. Starting from enrolling your child in a school to obtaining a driving license – you need to furnish your birth certificate. Even opening bank accounts for replacing one’s national insurance card, producing the birth certificate is mandatory. However, obtaining official documents of any kind can make you walk from pillar to post. But the World Wide Web has reduced our hassles to a great extent. You can apply for all purposes online in your own sweet time. Applying for a birth certificate online just needs you to visit the official website of the municipal corporation and get yourself registered. However, web portals vary from state to state.
Significance of birth registration in the life of a child
- Health Care – It opens up avenues in the domain of health care. Each year, millions of deaths are reported from incurable diseases even before a child reaches five years of age. However, unregistered children cannot have primary access to health care services. A birth certificate ensures substantial access to periodic vaccinations and medical treatment to a child so that he/she can stay healthy.
- Education – Any child can be barred from being enrolled in a school in the absence of a proper birth registration certificate. Birth certificates are a must for transparent documentation when you are enrolling your child in any public school. Applying for a birth certificate online will speed up the procedure of acquiring the document.
- Ensures protection – A birth certificate acts as official documentation of a child’s identification. Without a birth certificate, the government authorities will have no record of his/her existence.
- Inheritance Rights – In the case of the sudden demise of the child’s parents, furnishing a birth registration certificate at the right time enables the child to inherit his family property. So, applying for a birth certificate online at the right time will save the child from facing any kind of legal trouble while claiming his/her inheritance rights.
Obtaining a Driving License
A birth certificate comes indispensable while applying for a driving license. The principal function of the birth certificate is to furnish proof of the applicant’s age and identification. It is also necessary in case you are looking forward to renewing your license.
Getting hold of a Marriage License
A couple might need to put forward their birth certificates if they are anticipating a marriage permit. A marriage license cannot be gained if you are unable to produce your birth certificate as it acts to vouch for your official identity.
Making your passport
It is wishful to anticipate a visa if you fail to produce authentic birth documents. Therefore you need to ensure that you can produce the documents related to your birth if you are planning to travel abroad or for immigration purposes, for instance, applying for Green Card.
Establishing Genealogy
Having a certificate of your birth registration will help you to have access to the documents of birth registration of your grandparents, parents, and great grandparents if you are willing to trace your family tree or genealogy. More so, your birth certificate serves as an ultimate proof of one’s family lineage, empowering your family members to take legal steps and appeal for the documents on your behalf in case your important records are lost.